Frogs in a Well: Blog Column

In a society where face-to-face communication has become a thing of the past, we are constantly hounded by conflicts resulting from misunderstanding and lack of empathy. The story of 'the frogs in a well' (originating from a Korean folktale: '우물 안 개구리') depicts the predicament of several frogs who stare up at the little circle of sky above their heads, and imagine it to be the entire universe. Limited by the stone walls around them, the amphibians have no desire leave the safety of their "haven," but they lose the opportunity at a life of incredible freedom in the great world just outside the well.

Our greatest challenge today is to prevent ourselves from becoming trapped in this narrow worldview, and ponder on the perspective behind each country's actions, regardless of their implications at first sight. Imagine the outcome if the Taiwanese and Chinese people stopped to place themselves in each others' shoes, or if the US considered the historical and cultural significance of nuclear development before pressuring nations like Iran or North Korea. Through this "blog column," my goal is to introduce different perspectives on controversial current events, so as to extend deeper understanding of world happenings, and hopefully reveal a little more of the sky. Before our loyalty to a single nation, we are first and foremost citizens of the world, so never let the image of a united and peaceful Earth fade from your sight.

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